ISS SSTV, 1st SSTV picture ISS relayed ?                                                                             Retour accueil



From: F-10255
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2019 5:50 PM
To: ve1pk
Subject: SSTV image received in western France 2m band


Dear OM,

I was listening to ISS SSTV transmission on 145.800 MHz and I've partially received this image with your callsign and email adr. The next image of the pass was classic ISS SSTV pic. Have you some explanation ? Nobody else has receiving this pic on Ariss sstv archive page ...

Thanks in advance for your reply, 73




Hi Stephane, 

Thank you for your email.

During the time in between ISS Images, I triggered the repeat function of the SSTV setup on the ISS, and then sent my own image up. The system then immediately relayed my message back to earth.

So, what you received was a repeated copy of the transmission the ISS Received from me.

Thanks, and 73.


 Pat Kavanaugh - VE1PK/VE1PHK


Réception d'une image émise par VE1PK et relayée par ISS sur 144.800 MHz alors qu'elle se trouvait à mi-chemin entre le Canada et l'Ouest de la France (03/08/2019 19:27z). 



